Last night
She enters the wood , where it is already twilight.───她走进森林, 森林里已经是一片朦胧.
There was a sound of thrushes calling in the dark blue twilight.───深蓝色的暮夜中有?0鸟在鸣叫.
To thread the twilight with a gleam.───用一缕光线把黄昏连串.
At twilight, the stillness was broken by the sound of hooves, clattering on the paved courtyard.───在一个黄昏, 沉静被庭院上一阵清脆的马蹄声所打破.
It was dawn by three in the morning, and twilight lingered till nine at night.───早上三点钟天就朦朦亮了, 到了晚上九点天色才渐渐暗去.
hard to see him clearly in the twilight.───在朦胧的暮色中很难看清他。
Because the sun rises and sets gradually, I used gradually changing light during twilight.───因为太阳是逐渐升起和没落的, 于是在晨昏时分我使用了逐渐变化的光线.
Twilight was merging into darkness.───暮色渐浓.
Twilight merged into darkness.