Conway and Kochen have shown here in a beautiful way that a half-hearted belief in pseudo-determinism is impossible to sustain.───Kochen和Conway已经用一种漂亮的方式证明了,对伪决定论半心半意的信仰是无法持续的。
Kochen and Conway can't rule that possibility out entirely, but Kochen says, "a man on the street would say, 'Don't be ridiculous."'───Kochen和Conway无法完全排除这种可能性,但是Kochen说:“任何一个普通人都会说,‘这太荒唐了’。”
Kochen and Conway say the best way out of this paradox is to accept that the particle's spin doesn't exist until it's measured.───Kochen和Conway说,避免的矛盾的最好方法,就是接受在测量前粒子的自旋并不存在。
Conway and Kochen say that they have now proven that particles' responses can't be pre-determined, even within this possible interpretation.───Conway和Kochen说他们已经证明,即使在以上的这种解释下,粒子的反应也不可能是预先决定的。