Young people seem to have the knack of wearing the right clothes.───年轻人似乎有穿好衣服的窍门.
It's the knack a positive for every negative and viewing a setback a challenge.───幸福的秘诀就是化消极为积极,视挫折为挑战.
He hasn't the knack of tuning in to people.───他不懂了解人的窍门.
My way of the ball is a bIt'strange, difficult, you havehave a knack for it.───我罚球的方式有点奇怪, 也有点难度, 你需要技巧.有时候我的队友们会在训练中尝试一下.
Just think what heights I may climb to once I get the knack.───一旦我掌握了窍门儿,你想我会爬多高.
Chapman was the family clown, with a knack for making a joke out of any situation.───查普曼是家里的诙谐人物,他有诀窍在任何场合开玩笑。
Quirrell, it turns out , has something of a knack for handling trolls.───话说回来,奇洛拥有一些对付巨怪的技能.
Jackson was the supreme showman who had an unrivalled knack of grabbing headlines.───杰克逊是谁最高表演了一个无与伦比的诀窍抓住头条新闻.
There is a knack in tying ropes together.