You Jieyun is one of 19 professional Masters.───游洁芸是19名专业硕士之一。
Exam that day, you Jieyun takes a patient of coronary heart disease.───考试当天,游洁芸抽到一位冠心病患者。
In You Jieyun hand, have a thick manual, detailed notes wears two years to come partly the experience that she works in the hospital.───在游洁芸手中,有一本厚厚的手册,详细记录着两年半来她在医院工作的经历。
Right now expert of more than 10 medicine is surrounded in her beside, you Jieyun is nervous suffocative.───此时十余名医学专家围在她身旁,游洁芸紧张得喘不过气。
JieYun gathering, red light flash, a share of the white sky ablaze flame, and to direct, qi.───劫云汇聚,红光闪现,一股炽白的火焰从天而降,直射斯琪而来。