A tool of national subjugation
The garment, he declared, was “a sign of subjugation” and as such was “not welcome on French territory”.───他声称,这种服装是一种“征服的象征”,因此它在“法国的土地上不受欢迎”。
These are the implements of war and subjugation ; the last arguments to which kings resort.───我要请问先生们,这些战争部署如果不是为了迫使我们就范,那又意味着什么?
subjugation was an urgent mission for the Chinese nation.───救亡图存的民族使命迫在眉睫。
The enemy is strong and we are weak , and the danger of subjugation is there.───敌强我弱, 我有灭亡的危险.
These are the implements of war and subjugation -- the last arguments to which kings resort.───这些是战争和征服的工具 —— 是国王们最后诉诸的理由.
People were again cowed into subjugation.───民众也在恐吓逼迫下再度屈从.
They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation.───面对遭征服的悲惨命运,他们保持了乐观的态度。
Guardian's Band of Subjugation now correctly grants universal haste.───监护人的乐队征服正确赠款现在普遍操之过急.