a Chinese aping foreigners
洋鬼子───Foreign devils;假───false
That's bound to make Chinese elites a little vain and contemptful of the foreign devils.───这一定使中国的精英有点狂妄自大,看不起外国鬼子。
Look at those foreign devils!" they shouted. "Destroy the foreign devils! Down with imperialism!"───看那些外国鬼子!”他们叫喊道。“消灭外国鬼子!打倒帝国主义!”
WOO foreign devils also claimed co-operation between several detachment dogs set for the best image;───WOO洋鬼子也声称几个支队的相互配合为狗狗们树立了最佳形象;
The classification of "foreign devils" was general and tentative and was applied by individual Chinese only to foreigners he did not know.───的分类是常用但短暂,而且是中国人个别拿来称呼他所不认识的外国人。
Warned another using the name Sebastian Zhao: 'Fake foreign devils are usually harder to deal with than real foreign devils. '───“SebastianZhao”提醒道:“假洋鬼子通常比真洋鬼子更难对付!”
The robber took one quick look backward. The sight of these foreign devils after him was too much. He flung the bag into the air and disappeared in the crowd.