In the first act, the villain insinuates himself into the household of the man he intends to kill.───在第一幕中,恶棍混进了他企图谋杀的男子的家庭。
I said insinuates, not proves.───我说的是暗示,不是证明。
He also insinuates that the oral tradition from which the Gospels originated was flawed.───他还暗示,福音书因为口口相传是有缺陷的。
It may be that Twitter is not technologically a good platform for such a thing, as Wang insinuates.───这可能是因为Twitter在技术层面上并不算是一个好的平台,王委婉地说。
The indistinct touch of ash gray insinuates the rolling clouds and wreathing mists of Chinese ink landscapes.───迷濛沧茫的灰白暗喻中国水墨画烟云翻腾、烟岚缭绕的山水景观。
A Turk from Istanbul, who insinuates he is a Muslim Brother, says that other donors are less open.───另一些捐助者则不那么公开,一位来自伊斯坦布尔暗示自己是穆斯林兄弟会成员的土耳其人说。
He always insinuates himself into his boss`s favour.───他经常向他的头儿献媚。
This phrase insinuates that a person who was expected to do something goes ahead and does it anyway.───这个短语隐含着一个意思,即某人本来事先就想做什么事,而且以某种方式做了。
This simple phrase insinuates that knowledge is pieces of information that aren't always retained, but wisdom is a deeper understanding based on life experiences.
McCannell observed, as did many other students, that Kulak stresses the software developer's need to be creative and insinuates that engineering stifles creativity.
A cowbell, as Beiny insinuates, levels in at a 114.9 decibels. Even quieter football ground paraphenalia include a wooden rattle (108.2 decibels) and an inflatable fan-stick (99.1 decibels).
The indistinct touch of ash gray insinuates the rolling clouds and wreathing mists of Chinese ink landscapes.
In the first act, the villain insinuates himself into the household of the man he intends to kill.