One path he and his colleagues have followed is gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).───他和他的同事们已经跟踪了氨基丁酸(GABA)这一种方法。
It releases extra amounts of GABA, which reduces the firing of neurons.───它会释放过量的伽马氨基丁酸(GABA),以降低中风对受损位置神经元的刺激。
For the yoga study, researchers looked at the brain's GABA levels.───在瑜珈研究中,研究者们研究他们大脑的GABA水平。
Gene treatment Patients with Parkinson's have reduced levels of a chemical - GABA - in part of the brain known as the subthalamic nucleus.───接受基因疗法治疗的帕金森病患者中,化学物质GABA水平有所降低,该化学物在脑部也被称为氨基丁酸。
It had been thought that GABA was the prime candidate for the rallying role.───GABA曾被认为是发挥信号传递作用的第一候选蛋白。
Treatments that influence levels of GABA could be used to help victims of brain damage regain movement.───改变GABA含量一类的治疗可能会用来帮助大脑受损的患者重获运动能力。
Once a stroke kills a swath of brain cells, a neurotransmitter known as GABA impairs the surviving, apparently healthy, brain tissue.───当中风杀死一个带状区域的脑细胞后,一种叫伽马氨基丁酸(GABA)的神经传递素将破坏残存的,看起来还健康的脑组织。
As one component of a delicately balanced system for regulating brain activity, GABA functions to inhibit brain activity.───作为大脑活动调节系统的一个成员,GABA的作用是抑制大脑的活动。
Both GABA and nicotinic receptors had been suspected of inolement in nicotine addiction, but these findings strengthen those suspicions.───GABA和尼古丁受体也被怀疑与尼古丁成瘾相关,然而以上的发现加强了这一怀疑。