The body is used to play fortissimo through the shoulders, as discussed above.───身体通常通过肩部来弹出强音,如上面我们所讨论的。
When we sing or play a fortissimo passage it must be controlled.───当我们唱或弹出一段很强的乐曲,它必须是有好的控制。
Graduate the volume from pianissimo to fortissimo.───音量从极弱到最强的分级。
Over the next pages, piano and orchestra chase each other, the orchestral bass section finally cantering up to two fortissimo hits.───接下来,钢琴和交响乐团相互追逐着,交响乐团的低音部分最终演变成两拍子的重音。
Trundling chromaticism has the music roll up to a fortissimo, the orchestra still proclaiming the originally wistful piano-theme.───向上的半音阶将音乐推向最强音,交响乐团演奏着原先的怀旧主题。
For several bars the volume draws back, then erupts into a powerfully sad fortissimo with heavy, dissonant chords in the piano part.───几小节之后,音量降下,然后钢琴以最强音强有力地爆发出沉重刺耳的和弦。
On Monday, the MDA and Fortissimo Films announced plans to set up a film development initiative to produce and distribute movies.───周一,MDA和影业公司FortissimoFilms宣布,它们将发起一场制作和发行方面的影业发展行动。
A walking bass theme thuds heavily (pesante) and fortissimo out of the silence following the Scherzo.───一个漫步式的低音主题沉重地敲击着,以最强音打破了谐谑曲结束后的安静。
Strings and woodwind steadily wander through the said extensive third theme, attaining at last fortissimo.───弦乐和木管乐器有规则地徘徊于广阔的第三主题,在最后奏出一段最强音。
The body is used to play fortissimo through the shoulders, as discussed above.
If the Tories lose the looming Christchurch by-election, a new Tory refrain of Major-Must-Go may reach fortissimo.
Over the next pages, piano and orchestra chase each other, the orchestral bass section finally cantering up to two fortissimo hits.
They could hear him making his point in fortissimo Anglo-Saxon tones.
When we sing or play a fortissimo passage it must be controlled.
The noises insisted upon her serving her sentence: she must allow them to sound violently fortissimo for an hour.
The shock waves are formed when the trombone is blown particularly hard - in music parlance, "fortissimo" and "fortississimo".
The Duel of Despair! Fortissimo the Moving Fortress!
A second fortissimo phase follows , similar to the first, but shortened and possibly less significant.