the dry place───干燥的地方
dry the dishes───擦干盘子
the dog was───那只狗是
dog ate dry cat food───狗吃干猫食
the old dog───老狗
put the dog───放狗
over the dog───在狗身上
dog dog───狗狗
Generally, if a dog is merely dusty or muddy, you can rinse them off with plain water or wait until they are dry and brush the dirt out to restore them to cleanliness.───一般来说,如果拉拉身上特别脏或满是泥巴,你也只需要用水把他身体冲干净或者等他身体晾干之后,用刷子把泥巴刷干净。
The dog shook himself dry.───那条狗把自己抖干。
Whilst Biltong may look like a speckled dry brown dog turd, the combination of meat and spices is addictive.───虽然看起来有点像斑斑点点的干黄狗屎,但是肉和辣味的组合是能让人上瘾的。
Pet the dog, talk to the dog . . . GOOD DOG! Give the dog a bath, dry the dog, give the dog some food.───摸摸小狗,跟小狗说说话…听话的狗!给狗洗洗澡,把狗擦干,给狗一些食物。