A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count.───一两杯酒不会显著增加卡路里的数量。
Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese.───低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极好替代品。
seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance at once, or spread it over the day.───无论你是一次性吃完全天的卡路里限量还是分散在一天里吃,似乎没多大区别。
Calorie intake of rural labourers in England seems to have been somewhat less than it is in primitive hunter-gatherer societies today.───如今,英格兰农民的卡路里摄取量似乎一直低于原始狩猎社会时期。
And if the host is unable to honor the request, you could offer to prepare a low-calorie mixed drink in advance and bring it to the party.───但是如果邀请人无法答应这样的请求,你可以主动提出预先准备一种低热量的调酒并将它带到聚会上。
One example of a gene that we would like to turn off is an insulin receptor gene that tells fat cells to hold on to every calorie.───在此举个我们会希望关闭的基因为例,也就是让脂肪细胞吸收所有热量的胰岛素受体基因。
Liquid calories add up quickly, so stick with water and calorie-free beverages, and you could lose a pound or more a week.───饮品的热量很容易就被吸收了,所以你要坚持只喝水或无热量饮料。这样,你一周可以减一磅以上体重。
It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas.───瓶装水凉爽提神、不含卡路里、易于携带,比有些自来水好喝又比含糖的苏打水健康得多。
Counting every calorie I consume so I know ecactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower.───计算摄入的卡路里以便得知有多少自我厌恶感被带入浴室。