the permanent exhibits, commissioning specialist contractors from abroad, as few Polish firms possess the required know-how.───很少有波兰企业知道怎么做,他们还从海外找来了承包商。
ministry of science and higher education splurged 67 million zlotys on the permanent exhibits.───科学和高等教育部在永久展品上豪掷6700万兹罗提。
Whereas the group of exchanges connected to Vienna has seen just one IPO since 2007, there have been 25 flotations on the WSE so far this year, raising 15 billion zlotys ($5 billion).───今年到目前为止,华沙证交所已经有25家公司挂牌上市,并筹集到了150亿兹罗提(50亿美元)的资金,然而自2007年以来,一些与维也纳挂钩的证交所只见证了一次IPO。
The fact that Poland and Brazil can borrow billions in zlotys and reals reflects a confluence of forces.───波兰和巴西现在可以借入数十亿的本币资金,这反映了某种势力汇合所产生的影响。
The authority also said it will collect a bank guarantee of 130 million zlotys and seek compensation totaling 741 million zlotys from Covec.───该机构还说它将取得1.3亿兹罗提的银行担保,并试图向中海外索赔总计7.41亿兹罗提的资金。
Mr Walesa burned his fingers by promising he would give every Pole 100m zlotys to start a business.