We have puddings for dessert.───我们有布丁当甜点。
we have Christmas puddings?───我们有圣诞布丁吗?
you want for puddings?───你想要什么布丁?
Hans is the only one of us who has a sweet tooth. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't bother making puddings at all.───我们之中就汉斯一人最爱吃甜食。若不是为了他,我才不愿这么麻烦来做布丁了。
All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might eventually buy one of these puddings.───有一点自始自终很明显:他真诚地相信自己最终也许会买一只布丁;
In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season.───有一家出售布丁的商店,每年圣诞节期间都把许多这类美味的食品摆成一排供顾客选购。
They're sort of like pancakes and kind of like Yorkshire puddings, hot, just fried, soft inside and with a crispy edge!───它是一种类似于薄烤饼又类似于约克郡布丁的食品,很辣,油炸,内软外酥!
Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings . It would give me such pleasure.───请原谅,先生,能赏我个脸吗?让我为您买一只布丁吧。如果您肯收下,我将不胜欣慰。
After the beef joint has roasted for 6 hours, remove it from the oven. Turn the heat up to 220c to prepare it for the Yorkshire puddings.───牛肉烤到6小时后,从烤箱里移出,把温度调高至220度,准备烤约克省布丁。
Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings.
Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.
Trifle? That comes under Puddings and Desserts.
Complement proper puddings with proper sauces.
The home-made bread, pies and puddings are a speciality.
I've been eating too many stodgy puddings.
Puddings are a great speciality of British cookery.
You know, I've tried to make Yorkshire puddings.
Puddings are the jewel in the crown of British cookery.