early 21st century has seen a flurry of Atlantisitis.───21世纪早期更是有过之而无不及。 人们对亚特兰蒂斯城的热情简直接近了疯狂。
Not to be outdone, England's Queen Victoria also appeared in public wearing a mauve gown, thus making it all the rage in England as well.───英国女王维多利亚不甘示弱,也曾穿着淡紫色的礼服出现在公众面前,因此使得它也在英国风靡一时。
She wore a lovely tiara but the groom, not to be outdone, had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat.───她戴着一个漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也不甘示弱,穿了一件很潇洒的刺绣马甲。
Mr Plattner, not to be outdone, retorts that it doesn't take a psychologist to understand why Mr Ellison might say such a thing.───Plattner先生也不甘示弱,他反驳说,不需要心理医生也知道为什么Ellison先生会这么说。
The Republicans, not to be outdone, decided to try to recall eight Democratic senators who had absconded.───共和党,不会甘拜下风,决定试图罢免已经潜逃的八名民主党参议员。
By the age of 10 or 11, he didn't want to be outdone by his sister and was far more willing to try new foods.───所以由10岁或11岁起,他也不甘示弱,更愿意尝试新的食物。
Dong Zhuo Failure two years ago, Riboud Not to be outdone, shen li born, no one can be the enemy.───董卓败亡两年前,吕布也不甘示弱,天生的神力,无人可敌。
The little citizen, not to be outdone, declared her to be a celestial witness.───那小公民不甘落后,宣言她是天堂的见证。
Adel had outdone himself and every expectation Alastair ever had of him!───阿德尔了超越自己,每一个期望阿拉斯泰过他!
He was only outdone by pony-tailed Kate Winslet, wearing a plunging black dress with a crocheted black cardigan.
The Canadian hockey team has outdone all its rivals.
Not to be outdone, Stern went on television and made a speech of his own.
King Charles, not to be outdone, then made the abandoned wife a duchess, the title to die with her.
Not to be outdone , she tried again.
Not to be outdone, however, McCain subtly made reference to his own political attributes during remarks on other subjects.
Not to be outdone by the girls, the boys' team also won its second team title.
Not to be outdone, other computer manufacturers are also donating machines to schools.
Bob Dole, the front-runner, was not to be outdone.