However, Laplace expansion is efficient for small matrices only.───但是,拉普拉斯展开仅对小型矩阵有效。
It means they are the inverse matrices.───这就意味着它们是互逆的两个矩阵。
All matrices can be factorised, usually in a variety of ways.───所有矩阵通常都能以各种方式因式分解。
Also corresponding to each braid is a very complicated matrix, the result of combining all the individual matrices of every anyon exchange.───此外,每条绞辫还会对应到一个非常复杂的矩阵,这个矩阵是每次任意子交换所对应的矩阵的总和。
During the modeling, the recursive relation among the matrices is analyzed, so that the matrices can be calculated in an efficient way.───在建模过程分析了矩阵间的递推关系,利用这些关系进行矩阵计算,提高计算效率。
The system matrices of the local linear models are full parameterized and normalized radial basis functions are used for the weights.───局部状态空间模型用全参数化形式描述,同时选用正则化径向基函数作为分状态的加权因子。
When a user clicks the link for a given matrix definition under the Matrices node, the matrix viewer is loaded for that matrix.───当用户点击Matrices节点下的某一矩阵定义链接,就会加载该矩阵的矩阵查看器。
Among the most common tools in electrical engineering and computer science are rectangular grids of numbers known as matrices.───在电子工程以及计算机科学使用的常见工具中,有一种被称为矩阵的数字组成的网格。
So let me just introduce you to a little bit about matrices just enough for what we will need later on in this class.───所以我稍微讲一下矩阵,这些东西都是这节课上立马要用到的。