engine powered───[动力]发动机功率;额定功率
plant powered───工厂供电
solar powered───太阳能;太阳能动力
human powered───人力
combing powered───精梳动力
collimated jet───准直射流
jet setter───喷气定型机
powered soda───苏打粉
completed a 10-minute test flight recently with his jet-powered wing strapped to his back, flying for nearly 36km in Switzerland. (See photo).───最近,他在瑞士进行了10分钟的试飞,背负翅膀成功飞行近36公里。
A Swiss adventurer flew into the history books Friday by crossing from France to Britain on only a jet-powered wing, describing afterwards how he felt "like a bird" over the English Channel.───本周五,瑞士一名冒险家仅靠一副喷气式飞行翼成功飞越了英吉利海峡,成为史上完成这一壮举的第一人。之后他在描述飞行感受时说,他觉得自己“像只飞鸟”。
The disparity will only increase in the next decade, as the U.S. Navy finally deploys jet-powered killer drones, early versions of which are already undergoing testing in the California desert.───未来十年内,这种差距还会扩大,因为美国海军最终将部署喷气动力无人机,其初期版本已经在加利福尼亚沙漠地区进行测试。
The jet-powered vehicle, with its body like the cabin of a fighter jet, can fetch a top speed of 1336 kmph.───它长56英尺(约17米),采用喷气式发动机,主体酷似战斗机座舱,最高时速1336公里。
Some are piston-powered; some are jet-powered.───有些飞机使用活塞式发动机;有些使用喷气式发动机。
Now Mr Blue is showing off a jet-powered, stealthier version, called the Avenger.───现在,布鲁先生正在展示一款以喷气式发动机为驱力、隐形机能更佳的无人机,名为“复仇者”。
The jet-powered V-1 delivered a 1875lb warhead to a range of 125 miles.