ba shi───巴希(地名);桥(日语)
barberry bushes───理发灌木丛
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bad request───错误请求
raw bar───海鲜酒吧
e banana───香蕉
baseplate lift───基板升降
sex baliye───性报告
yes i wdesoknow enow wrisifantasybabdesthose are───对
in a bank───在银行
Because of the dist ur bance of all kinds of factors, there is always some deviation during the implementation and operation process of core competence strategy.───核心能力战略的实施与运作过程中因为各种因素的扰动,难免发生偏差。
Facial nerve spasms and say facial Luan array, for BanCe facial muscle bouts of uncontrollable tics, elderly women more see more.───面部神经痉挛又称面肌阵挛,为半侧面部肌肉阵发性的不自主抽搐,中年以上的女性较为多见。
Slowly and even the entire BanCe face to face, the reverse development is rare.───逐渐缓慢地向面颊乃至整个半侧面部发展,逆向发展者极为罕见。