I'm against it, too
The opposition parties can only defeat the government if they present a united front.───所有反对党只有结成联合阵线才能击败政府.
Truth stands in opposition to falsehood.───真理同谬误是对立的.
Early returns show Bulgaria's opposition party may have won.───早期的选举结果表明保加利亚的反对党可能已获胜。
There is to be no limitation on the number of opposition parties.───反对党的数量没有限制。
The government's plans came under fire from the opposition.───政府的计划受到反对派的猛烈攻击.
The Opposition has long argued for changes in parliamentary rules.───反对党长期以来为争取议会规章的改变而辩.
Representatives of six nations walked out to show their opposition to the vote.───六个国家的代表退出以示反对投票表决.
Some opposition activists have been violently attacked.───一些反对派的积极分子受到了暴力袭击。