And if it is a despot you would dethrone.───如果是暴君,你会罢黜他.
Make suggestion on the stock of slacken, over stock and dethrone. Destroy it after approved.───对公司呆滞物资 、 超储物资、废旧物资等及时提出处理建议,待批准后组织实施.
The plant may dethrone an 18-leaf clover, also found by Shigeo, in the Guinness World Records.───该植物将超过同样是小原发现的18叶三叶草的吉尼斯世界纪录。
me, dethrone me, but please leave me a little dignity!───我的命,夺去我的皇位吧,但至少留与朕一点尊严吧!
Do you think Sony has what it takes to dethrone Apple? Is it too late? Sound off in the comments!───你认为索尼能采取什么措施打败苹果呢?这会不会太晚?赶快发表你的评论吧!