All compositions are OK
Extracting information about the large-scale composition of a planet from a sample weighing a millionth of a gram was a fascinating example of scientific endeavour.───从重量为百万分之一克的样品中提取有关行星宏观组成的信息是一个极为有趣的科学尝试实例。
Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions.───电视改变了大型体育赛事观众的数量及其社会构成。
We had to write a composition on the subject "My Pet."───我们得就“我的宠物”这个主题写一篇作文。
If it is a composition of the university entrance exam, i must give it a full goal.───如果是高考作文,我一定给上天打满分的。
The aim of the composition of these two contracts is to minimize the total cost of organization and market transaction.───通过这两种基本合约的组合,旨在实现组织费用与市场交易费用之和的最小化。
As long as Barack Obama is president, the composition of any new White House economic team may be largely irrelevant.───只要奥巴马还在总统的位置上待着,白宫任何新的经济团队的组成也许从很大程度上来说都不怎么相干。
The teachers failed me on the written composition.
Your composition is full of spelling mistakes.
The composition of the group that is studied depends on the interests of the researcher.
He played a piano sonata of his own composition.
He played a piece of music of his own composition.